Graduate School Applications Tracker
Hi! I applied for graduate school last year, and this tracker I created was invaluable throughout the entire application process. It's a straightforward, customizable tool designed to help you stay organized and on top of everything. Plus, it played a crucial role in my own success—I got into 5 out of the 7 schools I applied to!
This tracker includes the following features:
- Test Score Tracker - Keep track of your GRE and IELTS or TOEFL scores.
- List of Recommenders Tracker - Maintain details about your recommenders, which are often required in applications.
- Applications Tracker - Monitor deadlines, the status of your SOP and resume, university requirements (via the Information template), and more. Includes a calendar view for application deadlines.
- Decisions Tracker - Track your admits and rejects, deposit deadlines, and more, with a calendar view for deposit deadlines.
- Finances Tracker - Keep an eye on your expenses throughout the process.
This tracker can be easily modified to suit your needs, ensuring you have everything you need to navigate the complex application journey efficiently.
A simple application tracker to help with your graduate school applications!
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